
Unity and the Heroes of 9/11

As we mark the 23rd anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the entire K3 Holdings and Alpine LA Properties teams extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those lost. These losses by these families and the wounds of our nation will never fully heal. However, the aftermath of these attacks provide us with hope…

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International Youth Day: Homes and Communities for a Brighter Future

Each year on August 12, there is a global observe of International Youth Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the potential of young people and addressing the unique challenges they face. Established by a United Nations resolution in 1999, this observance promotes greater awareness of the World Program of Action for Youth and underscores the importance of supporting future generations.…

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Perspective on National Rent Cap Proposals

Given all the news last week, many may have missed the President of the United States proposal to implement a national cap of 5% on rent annually. The White House proposal aims to tackle the escalating costs of housing, which should be applauded. However, the specific proposal’s one-size-fits-all approach falls short and has sparked intense debate across the country, reflecting…

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Collaborative Paths to Affordable Housing Policy

At K3 Holdings and Alpine LA Properties, we see the complex challenges faced by both landlords and tenants in the quest for housing that is adequate and affordable. Continued economic turbulence resulting from higher interest rates and inflation underscore the urgency for sensible housing policies that work for everyone. As political leaders look for ideas and solutions, they should consider…

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Finding Your Perfect Home

Finding the right home can be challenging. In California, and nationwide, the availability of affordable housing options is limited, making the search frustrating for many. However, understanding the process, establishing a few priorities, and working with the right property management company can turn this challenge into a rewarding experience – one that ends with finding the perfect apartment. When searching…

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